Ruling Pattern of the Parchment Codices in the Context of the Technological Development of Ancient Russian Booklore


  • Mikhail A. Shibaev National Library of Russia



At the beginning of the 15th century, there was a process of transition from manual to mechanical ruling or ruling pattern. With this type of ruling, the result was achieved not by running the tip of a knife or an awl over the parchment, but by using a template. A similar tool had been used since the 12th century in Oriental manuscripts and was called “mastara”. In Europe, it was called “tabula ad rigandum” in Latin, “planche à régler” in French, “rule-board” in English. In the Russian tradition it was known as “carax”, “terax”, “kerax”, etc. In Europe, it apparently appeared at the same time as in the Old Russian tradition — at the beginning of the 15th century. The earliest ruling pattern (1403) was found in the copy of Izbornik of 1073 originating from
the Moscow Andronikov monastery of the Savior. The main feature of this ruling pattern is the absence of any kind of pricks on the margins of the parchment sheet. The introduction of the template into written practice led to a change in the traditional schemes and principles of ruling of Old Russian parchment codexes. The ruling known patterns with threads of animal
or plant origins worked well on paper, but clearly could not leave a mark on a harder material, such as parchment. An experiment was conducted with a specially made template with metal threads and modern parchment, similar in its properties to the medieval one. The result of the successful experiment revealed that the application of the ruling pattern on parchment was only possible if it was preliminarily softened with water.


technological features of the book, Old Russian libraries, ruling pattern of manuscript, parchment, mastara, karax


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Author Biography

Mikhail A. Shibaev, National Library of Russia

Dr. Sci. (History)



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How to Cite

Shibaev, M. A. (2024). Ruling Pattern of the Parchment Codices in the Context of the Technological Development of Ancient Russian Booklore. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History, 69(1), 111–123.



Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research