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Author Guidelines


1.1. Articles and reviews submitted for publication should be original, finalized, and previously unpublished manuscripts.
1.2. Authors should submit their manuscripts by e-mail to the Editor of the Journal ( from their institutional e-mail addresses.
1.3. The Editorial Board will not consider the manuscripts submitted via:
— paper copies;
— USB flash drives, cd, dvd, or other types of data storage devices;
— e-mail addresses of third parties.
1.4. The authors should submit the manuscripts electronically as e-mail attachments in Microsoft Word (doc or .docx).
1.5. Recommended length of the manuscripts (including metadata, footnotes and references) should be:
— 40 000 – 60 000 characters with spaces for the articles;
— 20 000 – 40 000 characters with spaces for the reviews.
1.6. Formatting:
— the file should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .doсx);
— Times New Roman typeface;
— the margins should be two centimeters on all sides;
— lines of the text should be separated by one and a half spaces;
— twelve-point font size;
— full justification;
— first line indent of one centimeter for each paragraph;
— all non-Latin words and names should be romanized according to the transliteration schemes approved by the Library of Congress (LC).


2.1. Metadata (including the author’s details, abstracts, and keywords) should precede the main text of the manuscript.
2.2. Metadata should be typed in the following order (the items marked with asterisk * are compulsory only for the Russian-speaking authors):
— the author’s full name, academic degree, position (title), place of employment, institutional mailing address (country, postcode, city, street, and building number), e-mail;
— * the author’s full name transliterated into Cyrillic script; academic degree, position (title), place of employment, institutional mailing address (country, postcode, city, street, and building number) translated in Russian;
— the author’s contact phone number (e.g. 7-(000)-000-00-00). The phone number will not be published in the journal or sent to third parties;
— funding information in case the author(s) received support to carry out research for submitted manuscript;
— the author’s initials and last name (italicized);
— the title of the article (capitalized);
— an abstract of 240–260 words, and the number of works cited in the manuscript (e.g. Refs 43);
— the keywords (the word Keywords should be italicized);
— * the author’s initials and last name transliterated into Cyrillic script (italicized);
— * the title of the article translated in Russian (capitalized);
— * an abstract of 240–260 words in Russian and the number of works cited in the article (e.g. Библиогр. 43 назв.);
— * the keywords in Russian (the words Ключевые слова should be italicized).
2.3. Titles’ format:
— the titles of articles and reviews should not exceed nine words;
— the titles must be written in a way that would allow the author to avoid any punctuation marks (including quotation marks), Roman and Arabic numerals, abbreviations, acronyms, and initials;
— the titles of reviews should not quote the headings and imprints of the books reviewed; instead, reviews should be given independent titles.


3.1. All the sources used in the manuscript should be cited in the footnotes, which should include information about the author, the year of publication and relevant page number.
3.2. Notes should be prepared as footnotes: the number of the footnote should be inserted in the text and the note itself should be put at the bottom of the page.
3.3. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the whole text.
3.4. Samples of citing books in footnotes:
Pizarro F. The rise and fall of the Inca Empire. Lima, 1967. P. 175.
Nikitin A. Russkie issledovateli Azii v srednie veka i ranneye novoye vremya. Moscow, 1995. P. 157.
3.5. Samples of citing journal articles in footnotes:
Cabot J. Who really discovered America? // The Transatlantic Historical Review. 2007. Vol. 53, issue 2. P. 358.
3.6. Samples of citing contributions to the edited collections in footnotes:
Bering I.I. Istoriya Beringova proliva // Geograficheskiye otkrytiya v novoe i noveyshee vremya / ed. by M. Lomonosov. St. Petersburg, 2012. P. 40.
3.7. Samples of citing unpublished sources in footnotes:
Columbus Christopher to Vespucci Amerigo // British Library (BL). American collection. Box 1. Folder 1, 1500. January 17.
Dopros tsarevicha Alekseia // Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossiiskoi Fedratsii (GARF). Op. 1. 1 eks. 1719 g. D. 61. Ch. 247. L. 2–9.
3.8. Samples of citing electronic sources in footnotes:
Columbus C. The origins of Hispanic America. URL: (accessed 31.12.2016).


4.1. Main text of the manuscript should be followed by the bibliographical list (“References”), the numbered and alphabetically arranged. References should provide information for every secondary source cited in the manuscript (books, journal articles, doctoral dissertations).
4.2. “References” should not include bibliographical entries for any primary sources (both published and manuscript), fiction books, and electronic sources.
4.3. The “Reference” list should provide complete bibliographical information for each source, including:
— author’s last name and initials;
— title of the book or article;
— title of the edited collection or the journal;
— editor’s name (for the edited collection);
— place of publication (in full, without abbreviations, e.g. New York);
— Publisher’s name:
The names of non-English publishers should be translated in English;
If the publisher’s name does not contain any words identifying it as a publishing house, the label “Publ.” should be added to the name (E.g. Atlantic Book Publ.; Nauka Publ.);
If the publisher’s name is not known, the label [s.n.] should be used;
If the work was published by the printing press, the labels “Print.” And “Print. House” should be used, depending on its status (e.g. Little, Brown & Co. Print.);
— year of publication;
— volume and/or issue number for journals and other periodicals;
— total number of pages or relevant page range;
— indication of language for non-English editions, (e.g. (In Russian)).
4.4. Samples of citing books in the “References”:
Pizarro F. The rise and fall of the Inca Empire. Lima, The Lima University Press, 1967, 768 p.
Nikitin A. Russkie issledovateli Azii v srednie veka i ranneye novoye vremya. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1995, 206 p. (In Russian).
4.5. Samples of citing the journal articles in the “References”:
Cabot J. Who really discovered America? The Transatlantic Historical Review, 2007, vol. 53, issue 2, pp. 142–165.
4.6. Samples of citations to the contributions to edited collections in the “References”:
Bering I.I. Istoriya Beringova proliva. Geograficheskiye otkrytiya v novoe i noveyshee vremya. Ed. by M. Lomonosov. St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriya Publ., 2012, рр. 155–172. (In Russian)


5.1. Charts, tables, graphics, diagrams, schemes, and figures included in manuscript should comply with the national standard of Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD).
5.2. All tables and figures should be referred to in the text of the manuscript.
5.3. Figures formatting guidelines:
— figures should be labeled and furnished with description if necessary;
— figures should be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numerals), if there is only one figure in the manuscript, its number should be omitted;
— the word “Figure”, its number, label and description should be placed immediately under the figure;
— descriptions and labels should be in nine-point Times New Roman font.
5.4. Each illustration should be submitted electronically as .jpg file (300 dpi).
5.5. Tables formatting guidelines:
— tables should be labelled;
— tables should be placed immediately after the paragraph where it is mentioned for the first time;
— long tables might be continued on the next page;
— stub and column headings are usually aligned horizontally, in line with the rows;
— if necessary, stub and column headings may be aligned vertically;
— text in the tables should be in nine-point Times New Roman font.
5.6. While preparing the tables, the author should take into consideration the Journal’s format, which does not allow to insert any insets with multi-columned tables wider than the journal’s double-page spread.

Sample manuscript


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License Agreement (one author)

License Agreement (several authors)

License Agreement (several authors, in two languages)


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