The staff of the St. Petersburg office of the State Bank and their wages


  • Vladimir Vasil`evich Morozan St. Petersburg State University



The article deals with the problems of staffing of the St. Petersburg office of the State Bank and their employee salaries. This topic has not been covered in domestic and foreign historiography, which excluded the possibility of referencing previously published works. The basis for writing the article were the record keeping documents from the Russian State Historical Archive. St. Petersburg office of the State Bank was established in 1894, being a part of the Corporate Administration of the main credit institution of the country. It was one of the largest local branches of the bank that executed the largest credit operations in the country. For this reason, the staff of this office was the most numerous and the most compensated in terms of pay. At the end of 1896 it consisted of 463 full-time clerical workers, while 54 more candidates were on the wait list for possible vacancies. Meanwhile the remaining branches and offices of the bank together had a staff of slightly less than 700 people. In addition to full-time employees in the capital branch of the State Bank worked numerous support staff, including information security workers, brochure makers, janitors, security guards, laundresses and others. Wages of officials of this unit were the highest. Although formally official salaries in the bank were established by law and in general were the same for all employees of the bank in all its branches; the corporate office of this institution paid their employees more generously by means of bonuses.


State Bank, employees, staffing, salaries, wages, support staff


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Author Biography

Vladimir Vasil`evich Morozan, St. Petersburg State University

Doctor in History, Professor



How to Cite

Morozan, V. V. . (2023). The staff of the St. Petersburg office of the State Bank and their wages. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History, 65(4), 1044–1067.



History of Russia