Historiosophical Problems in Russian Thought in the Modern Time


  • Elena V. Koren’ Francysk Skaryna Gomel State University




The article deals with the historiosophical problems of Russian thought in the Modern time. The historiosophical problems of Russian thought were determined by the peculiarities of spiritual and socio-political life, the development of national and civil consciousness of society, the formation of the intelligentsia. The major historiosophical problems of Russian thought since the XIX century have been the reflection on the fate and role of Russia in the global historical process; conceptualization of the meaning of history; analysis of social development options; the definition of progress criteria; the clarification of the role of an individual and people in history, understanding of the meaning of human existence. A number of historiosophical issues were identified in ideological searches of earlier times. Historiosophical
ideas also influenced the development of historical science in Russia. The history of philosophy was interconnected with ontology and anthropology, gravitating towards metahistory. One of the most relevant problems for the Russian historiosophy was the meaning of history, which attracted the attention of historians, philosophers and other cultural leaders, in the context of the essence, content, criteria, driving forces of historical development; specifics of historical knowledge; political and moral significance of historical memory. The problem of the meaning of history was often revealed in moral and religious contexts, in connection with spiritual and moral problems of the meaning of human life. In the works of Russian thinkers, the remarkable ideas were expressed about socio-anthropological and moral meaning of history, which retain their significance to modern philosophical and historical research, to the spiritual and value-based self-determination of an individual and society.


historiosophy, philosophy of history, historical memory, historical self-awareness, the meaning of history, the meaning of life


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Author Biography

Elena V. Koren’, Francysk Skaryna Gomel State University

PhD (History), Associate Professor



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How to Cite

Koren’, E. V. (2023). Historiosophical Problems in Russian Thought in the Modern Time. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History, 68(1), 242–258. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu02.2023.114



Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research