The Emergence of Habsburgs in Early Works of Joseph von Hormayr


  • German Ragozin Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov



The paper deals with the issue of emergence of the Austrian historical myth in the early 19th century. The identity crisis in Austria, Holy Roman Empire and Habsburg possessions due to the French revolution and collapse of the “Old empire” brought a discussion on loyalty towards dynasty, throne, and the state. Relations of Habsburgs with their non-Germanic realms also underwent a transformation connected with the creation of the Austrian empire in 1804. Intellectuals in the early 19th century Vienna were faced with the challenge to revisit the remains of the old model of identity and relationships between the state and the society in a new context. The new model combining romanticism and conservatism pursued to find a model of “natural” relations between the sovereign, state and society. Joseph von Hormayr was the author of concepts for Austrian history, Habsburg dynasty, and its relations with the society in the early 19th century. He justified them with legitimism, dynastic patriotism, and general historical memory. “The Austrian Plutarch” made an impact on Austrian historical memory in the 19th century. The images of early Habsburgs were supposed to demonstrate the role of
monarchy in the success of the state, social stability, and European balance. The essays showed the moral right of the dynasty to leadership in Germany and Central Europe. Hormayr disseminated
the concepts of “Austrian freedom” in the Empire, “putting an end to the anarchy”, consistent centralization of Southern-eastern German areas, and its support from estates. The sovereigns appeared both in the image of mobilization figures for the duchy and neighboring countries, and possessors of the personal features turning Austria into the Empire later.


Austrian history, the Habsburg monarchy, historical memory, historical myth, Joseph von Hormayr, conservatism


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Author Biography

German Ragozin, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov

PhD (History), Associate Рrofessor



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How to Cite

Ragozin, G. (2022). The Emergence of Habsburgs in Early Works of Joseph von Hormayr. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History, 67(3), 833–846.



World History