Demography of Pandemics in Governorate of Livonia during Late Imperial Period


  • Sergey V. Ryazantsev Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Alexey V. Smirnov Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Infectious disease pandemics that broke out in the territory of the Russian Empire in the 19th century were large-scale phenomena with significant demographic consequences. The aim of the study was to assess the demographic and socio-economic consequences of the Russian influenza pandemic and the fifth cholera pandemic in Livonia. The research is based on the pre-revolutionary periodicals. Influenza caused a disease outbreak in Livonia in November 1889. In December, the population, mostly over 35 years old, began to suffer from pneumonia, which often led to death. A statistical assessment of monthly excess mortality in 1889 showed an increase of 8 % in November and 67 % in December. Influenza also had an effect on fertility: the birth rate in September 1890 (conception in December 1889) was the lowest compared to the period between 1888 and 1895. Influenza affected members of all classes. By the time of the outbreak of the fifth cholera pandemic, the cholera agent and modes of transmission were known. Cholera was a disease of the poor. Migrant labourers and the lower classes of the population were predominantly affected. There was a lower likelihood of the educated population living in satisfactory conditions and following the advice of doctors of contracting it. In October 1893, cholera riots occurred in Tartu, demonstrating the population’s misunderstanding of the purpose of sanitary measures. The rioters did not understand why “gentlemen” did not get cholera. Cholera had an impact on the mortality and marriage rate of the population. However, cholera in Livonia became a controlled disease and had a positive impact on the sanitary habits of the population, and the sanitary and epidemiological development of the cities.


Russian flu, cholera, Russian flu pandemic, cholera pandemic, morbidity, mortality, Livonia Governorate, Riga, Baltic region, Latvia, COVID-19


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Author Biographies

Sergey V. Ryazantsev, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Economics),

Alexey V. Smirnov, Institute for Demographic Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Postgraduate Student, Junior Researcher



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How to Cite

Ryazantsev, S. V., & Smirnov, A. V. (2024). Demography of Pandemics in Governorate of Livonia during Late Imperial Period. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History, 69(2), 431–456.



Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research